Cheers On This National Day for Cancer Survivors

As cancer survivors, we can’t change the fact that we’ve had cancer. We can control how we approach it and how we deal with it. In part, it’s our choice…it’s up to us.

It’s up to us to carry on, to live a full and meaningful life…to move forward. After all, a “survivor” is one who carries on despite setbacks or hardships; one who perseveres; one who persists.

Every cancer survivor faces physical, emotional and practical issues as a result of having cancer. Good thing that today, cancer rehabilitation programs are beginning to take root as the next big step in helping survivors address these problems on a long term basis.

Through cancer rehab, survivors can learn healthy lifestyle habits and receive practical living advice. Sound resources exist to guide us on physical fitness, diet and nutrition, stress management, finances, disability, employment, spirituality, sleep habits and other issues faced by survivors. The number of professionals trained to tailor personalized survivorship planning is growing.

So, yes celebrate today; but, also vow to learn more about responsible cancer survivorship. Pat yourself on the back. Tell yourself, “ ICanMoveForward.” Say a prayer. Be thankful. Keep fighting. Keep reaching. Keep learning. Be the best survivor you can be.

Enjoy this day…a toast to you!

Category: Cancer

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